Keep It Simple
Don’t cover too much ground, which will confuse people. Focus on one or two main points that resonate with your target audience and cut out everything else. If you can’t explain your brand or business in one sentence or less, you need to simplify it even more until you can. The goal is to make it so simple that someone can repeat it to you without getting confused about what you do for clients.
Ask Yourself Questions
What are you trying to say? What are you not trying to say? How do you want people to feel about your company? How do you want your company to be perceived? What does success look like for this project? These are all excellent questions to ask when trying to find the nugget of truth at the core of what your brand represents.
Targeted Messaging
When developing your key message, you want to ensure it is targeted toward your desired audience. By doing so, you can ensure that they will better understand what your business has to offer them. It also helps you better connect with your audience and helps build trust between the two parties.
This can be done through a series of direct and indirect messages. Direct messages are specific about the desired action, while indirect messages are more subtle and require interpretation on the receiver’s part.
Controlled Communication
The internet has made the information easy to find, but it’s also made information overload almost impossible to avoid. If your key message isn’t clear or precise enough, it’ll get lost in all that noise and never be heard by anyone. Make sure that anyone who hears, reads, or sees your important message understands precisely what you’re talking about right away. This will help prevent confusion or conflicting ideas among employees or customers looking for information about your business.
Review And Refresh
Create some time to reflect on what you’ve been doing with marketing and communications in the past year or two. If you’ve been in business for some time, reviewing your critical messaging strategy is a good idea to ensure it reflects who you are and where you’re going. If you’re starting, consider what makes your business unique and write down your key messages before you launch your marketing efforts. Understanding what you’ve done before will help you figure out where you want to go next with your messaging strategy.
When you boil it all down, creating a powerful key message for your company isn’t hard. Just keep these four things in mind when putting together your message: know who you’re talking to, choose words that are easy to understand, be concise and transparent in your presentation, and make sure that you base a message on a solid foundation.