What to Post on Social Media (121 Social Media Post Ideas – Never Get Writer’s Block Again!)
Table of Contents
Social Media Posts Ideas About You
The following social media post ideas are about you and your business. A 3rd of your posts should focus on you and not others. Or the general industry.
Some of these posts need you to open up. Show some personal life. Be social. Not a business robot. These posts are fun and help your followers get to know you.
1. Predictions About You
What predictions do you have about yourself or your business? Is there a place you see yourself at in six months, a year, or five? Share with others a forecast of your future.
2. Request Feedback on Something You Made
Take a moment to gather some customer feedback. Share something on your socials and ask for an honest opinion. Ask for feature requests. Or what they thought about a new release of yours.
3. A Day In Your Shoes
From the moment you open your eyes til it is time to sleep. How is your day at home and work? Show everyone a day in your shoes. Give some insight into how you do what you do in a day.
4. Current Book You Are Reading
Everyone is looking for an excellent book to read. Share with others what you are currently working on. People get excited when you share a good book.
You might also find you have more in common with your followers who share the same book interests.
5. Post a Hobby of Yours
What do you do in your free time? Is there a hobby that you are willing to share with your followers? Do you have a side hustle or sport you play? Are you crafty? Open up. What are you like outside of the business?
6. Challenging Yourself
Share with others a challenge you have set for yourself. Do you have a goal to meet? A fitness journey? A sales quota? Announce it. Write it down!
Your followers may show you their support and help motivate you. Your challenges may also inspire others to challenge themselves. As a society, it is healthy to challenge each other. That is where growth begins.
7. Your Adorable Pets
It is not uncommon for pet owners to have an Instagram account for their dogs. People love animals. If you have a pet, try sharing a cute photo.
8. Your Family Time
You should spend time with family and be social offline. Share a family photo or a dinner selfie with friends. Try posting a holiday gathering group photo. Or share a story about a family member. Please take this opportunity to talk about them.
9. Post About Your City
Where are you located? What is your city known to be? Show off the best of your hometown. Food, attractions, and nature are common photo ideas for city posts. Try to highlight a unique feature of your city.
10. You Relaxing in a Photo
There is a time and place for business. Share a photo of you relaxing. Get out of the work environment and ease your mind. Capture a moment of peace and happiness. An example of this could be a photo of you lounging, reading a book.
11. Post a Fun Fact About Yourself/Your Business
What is something most people do not know about you? Share a fun fact. It could be funny, motivating, nerdy, serious, etc. Your choice. These posts allow your followers to “get to know you” better. Let them know who you are.
12. Share a Bucket List
Make a list. Ask yourself what the things you wish to do are. Go big. What goals and dreams do you have? Write them down. Then, share it and ask followers to comment with their bucket lists. This call to action will increase engagement!
13. Ask Me Anything
Allow your followers to ask a question. They will often tell you what they have wanted to know most. They will bring up topics you have yet to cover.
This social media post idea is a significant part of customer research. It also helps build a relationship with your followers.
14. Common Mistakes You Have Made
Everyone makes mistakes. We all do. Share a mistake you have made and overcome it. This social media post idea allows you to prove that you are human. And it tells your followers that it is okay to make mistakes.
Take this opportunity to show a better solution. Your mistake may be something others are struggling with too.
15. What is Working For You
Spill the beans! How do you do it? What is working for you that others may enjoy? You could share a routine, shortcut, how-to, or tip on anything.
It does not have to be a boring lesson. It can be personal, like “What I do to ensure I get up at 5 am every morning”.
16. Your Favorite Podcast
Podcasts are the new radio. More and more people are switching to motivational, info-packed podcasts. Radio shows are dying. What podcast are you subscribed to and feel is worth sharing with your followers?
This social media post idea has two benefits. You may find a new podcast that could change your life. You may change someone elses life by leading them to an excellent podcast.
17. Your Favorite Book
Is there a book that made a significant impact on your life? Is it a book full of excellent knowledge and wisdom that your followers could enjoy? Share the wealth! If there is more than one, make a list.
This social media post idea is a great way to exchange material with your audience. You may find a new book or make someone’s day. Give it a shot.
18. Your Favorite Influencer
Who is your favorite influencer? Is there someone you look up to that you follow? Do you keep up with someone else’s posts? Let your audience know who you follow.
What type of content influences you? Is the person someone that could provide value to your like-minded followers? The only way to find out is by sharing.
19. Your Favorite Resource
What is your go-to resource for a particular task? Let others know. This social media post idea is an opportunity for you to refer your followers.
Affiliate links are acceptable if they apply. Provide a story of how you use the resource. Why do you feel that it is so valuable?
20. Your Favorite YouTube Channel
Whos videos capture your full attention? Share your favorite YouTube channel with your followers. Sharing videos is one of the most common forms of social media posts. Let your audience see what interests you. You might make someone’s day.
21. Your Favorite Software
What software do you use every day? Is there software that you feel would be very hard not to use? Share it with your fans. Give them an example of how it has become an essential tool in your everyday life.
It is possible to get affiliate commissions this way. Be sure to disclose it and not be salesy. You are trying to provide value here.
22. Your Favorite Blog
Who is your favorite blogger? As a blogger, I have found many websites skip the quality of their blogs and write them for SEO only. But I have come across resourceful ones, and I subscribe to them.
I find it exciting when I come across a golden nugget. Blogs can be full of “info treasures.” Is there a blog that you follow? Would it be of use to your followers? Share it with them and explain why you love it so much.
23. Your Favorite Time of Year
Some social media ideas like this focus on time-sensitive topics. Use this social media post idea during your favorite holiday. You could post a message about the holiday and make it relevant to your personal life.
What makes it your favorite? Share your feelings about this time of the year. You could do the opposite on the flip side (bonus idea). You could post about your least favorite time of the year!
24. Your Favorite Online Course
I am a big fan of self-education. We now have access to a tremendous amount of online courses. If you have ever taken one and found it improved your life – share it!
Tell others how it made an impact. What did you get out of it? What type of value did it bring to the table? And, could your followers enjoy the course as well?
25. Your Favorite Product
Physical or digital (that is two post ideas!). What is something you bought that has excellent value to you? This product could be something you bought for yourself or another person. (That is two more!).
The thing about products is you do not know about them until someone shows you. Share the wealth! If there is a fantastic product out there that you can vouch for, present it to your followers! They will appreciate it.
26. Your Favorite Phrase
Quote yourself. Is there something you often say that has become your catchphrase? It could be a serious, silly, or motivating phrase. I am sure people around you already have something in mind. You may not know what that phrase is.
A fun post could be asking those around you to say something you always say. That feedback could be enlightening. Or horrifying.
27. Your Favorite Place to Visit
What is your favorite city, state, country, park, etc.? You can add some variance to a social media post idea like this. I insist you make several versions of these post ideas to build up your content vault.
Let your followers in on your favorite spots. Your recommendation could be the catalyst for someone’s next adventure. Now that would be cool.
28. Your Favorite Tool
Most businesses use a variety of tools to get the job done. What would you say is your favorite tool to use? This social media post idea allows you to share a secret. Share an example of how the tool improved your success.
For example, my favorite tool is Grammarly.
This tool helps me write better content in real-time. I would never consider writing without it. The grammar corrections are helpful. I use it on my laptop, work PC, and phone. Not only does it make corrections, but it teaches me how to write better.
29. Your Favorite Hobby
Share your favorite hobby outside of work. What do you do in your free time that brings you joy? Your hobby may inspire others to pick up a new one. Ask your followers to share their favorite hobbies as well. This question should help with post-engagement.
30. Your Limited Time Offer
Give your followers a limited-time offer. Exclusive social media offers give followers a reason to stay connected. Make these offers unavailable elsewhere. This benefits the followers to keep an eye on your content.
FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real thing. Everyone likes a deal. And if you put an end date on it, they will pounce on the sale. For example:
Today, I am giving my followers a 50% off deal on my most extensive social media crash course. Comment below if you want the promo code sent to you! This offer ends tomorrow.
This type of social media post builds on the FOMO feeling. It requires social media engagement to redeem the offer.
31. Your Company Update
Use your social media accounts to keep followers and customers updated. This update could be a change in hours, for example. It could be a change in your business offer. Make sure to use your social media accounts to spread the word.
32. Work Selfie
Smile for the camera! Social media platforms like Instagram are visual. It takes two seconds to hold your phone up and smile. It is the most effortless content to create when you are in a pinch. Post a selfie once in a while.
It would be best to build a content vault of you working on the job. Selfies are reusable and appropriate for any post.
33. BTS (Behind The Scenes)
Behind-the-scenes content is a great way to show professionalism. It shows your hardworking efforts in action. People may be curious about how you do such great things.
A BTS video is a fantastic way to keep followers interested. It also helps with content building. Record yourself performing your job. This content knocks out two birds with one stone—content within the content.
34. Before and After Photo
Before and after photos can do several things for you. You could show progress. The images can show proof of concept—the result of your services. On a personal level, it can deliver growth. This social media post idea allows you to compare two things visually.
35. Unboxing/Reveal
Unboxing videos are a mystery that grabs followers’ attention. Record yourself opening a product. Give your first impression and review it. Paid sponsorships often use these types of videos to promote their product.
In this section, we are going over “personal” posts. Make sure this product is something you enjoy or look forward to using. It does not have to relate to your business.
Do not make the video a sales pitch. It should be a mystery with your reaction.
36. Hands-On Video of You
Watching the expert in their element can be exciting. Give your followers an expert POV (point of view). How-to videos are great for this.
Record yourself doing the work or service hands-on. This type of social media post allows you to show off your skills. Stand back, fans. Watch a pro do it.
37. Your Demo Video
Demo videos allow you to walk through your business. Show off the products, services, and solutions to followers’ needs. Demos can be tutorials. They can be a showcase. Get creative.
A demo does not have to be a lengthy walk-through that goes into detail. It can be a simple commercial-style video. 30-seconds or less. Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, Youtube Shorts, and Tiktoks. These are examples where short videos are king.
38. Swag Photo (Branding)
Take a photo in your uniform. Wear a hat with your logo. Drink some tea from a vanity mug that has your slogan on it. Show off t-shirts followers can buy online that represent your brand. Share any company merchandise you have.
No company swag? There are online websites that print on demand. You can sell company merchandise with your logo. And without having to stock a warehouse and print in bulk!
Check out teespring.com to start selling your swag. They keep a small fee for each transaction. But they handle the printing, the credit cards, and the delivery. With 10-minutes of setup time, you can have a wide variety of products on your website.
39. Sneak Peek Video of Your Business
It is time to tease! Share a short video or photo that reveals an upcoming release. Are you building something new? Share a picture of a book cover. Show the headline of a new offer you are about to drop.
40. Entertaining Video of You
Make some video content! Share a trending TikTok, Reel, or Short of you. Today’s generation consumes a significant amount of video content. Do not try to reinvent the wheel.
Pick something that is trending and create a short video. Or talk about something that you find entertaining. This post idea lets you display your sense of humor.
41. Caption This Photo of You
A “caption this” photo or video post triggers engagement. Its purpose is to get your followers to leave a comment describing the content in their own words. Usually, this is for satire and comical relief.
An example would be a photo of someone doing something silly. Your followers might comment with funny headlines that describe the image.
42. Your Desk/Environment Photo
How does your workstation look? Give your followers a glimpse of your work environment. Do you have a messy desk? Are you someone who travels light and works out of the office? How does your desk look?
43. Recent Screenshot
It is common for people to screenshot things they come across on the internet. Sometimes you stumble across a funny post. Other times you may find an exciting or valuable post you wish to save for later.
The time has come. What is an exciting screenshot you took recently? Share with others—the good, funny quotes, facts, etc. Anything goes with this social media post idea.
44. Your Mission
What is your mission in business? What are you trying to do? Let your followers know why you are here. A mission statement is the core of your business. It sets the foundation and values behind every move you make.
45. Share Your Wins
Did you reach a new milestone? Share your story. Your followers will celebrate your wins. Use this social media post idea to showcase your successful business wins.
Proof of concept and case studies go a long way in winning new clients. Record your wins. Share your wins. It will motivate you to continue. The small wins add up to big-picture impact.
46. Obstacles You Have Overcome
Everyone runs into obstacles. Share the walls you have run through to get to your goals. Show your followers determination and persistence. Show them obstacles you have overcome. It will motivate them and earn their respect.
47. Share Your Morning Routine
How do you prepare for your day? What time do you wake up in the morning? Is there a routine you follow every day?
With this social media post idea, list the things you do in the morning. Put them in order. Describe what you do from the moment you open your eyes til you walk out the door for work.
It can be a short list. Then, ask your followers to share their routines in the comments to start a conversation.
Social Media Posts About Others
The following social media post ideas are about others. A 3rd of your posts should be about your followers, other business owners, or family.
The first part of this blog was all about “ME”. Now it is time to post about the people you interact with. This section is great for customer research.
48. Predictions About Others
49. Fill in The Blank
50. What Do You Prefer?
51. This or That
52. Take a Poll
53. Would You Rather…
54. If You Could…
55. What Do You Want
56. Recommend Me Books
57. Share Your Hobby
58. Create a Challenge For Others
59. Show Me Adorable Pets
60. Common Mistakes
61. What’s Working Now
62. Live Questions
63. Share Their Podcast
64. What is Their Favorite Book
65. Tag an Influencer
66. What is Their Favorite Resource
67. Link Your YouTube Channel
68. Software Company
69. Favorite Food
70. Time of Year
71. Best Investment Ever Made
72. Favorite Physical Product
73. Favorite Quote
74. Place to Visit
75. Worst Tool Ever Used
76. Craziest Thing You’ve Seen
77. Share Another’s Wins
78. Share Fan Photo
79. Thank Followers
80. Customer Appreciation
81. Share Followers Post
82. Support a Cause
83. Friends Business
84. Mention an Influencer
85. Show Gratitude
86. Admire an Expert
87. Mention a Top Follower
88. National Day
89. Interesting Video
90. Caption This
91. Origin Story
92. Customer Appreciation
93. Inspiring Person
94. Quote a Celebrity
95. Act of Kindness
96. Routines
Business Industry Post Ideas
97. Predictions on Industry
98. Quick Hack
99. Ask Me Anything
100. Mention Award Winner
101. Time Saving Tips
102. Feature Another Expert
103. Share Infographic
104. Problem Solving
105. Industry Article
106. FAQ Answers
107. Money Saving Tips
108. Industry Fact
109. Common Mistakes
110. What’s Working Now
111. Teach a Lesson
112. Post a How-to Video
113. Viral Video
114. Current Event
115. Industry News
116. Trending Topic
117. Trending Hashtag
118. Special Event
119. Limited Time Offer
120. Interesting Video
121. Sneak Peek Video