Types of Social Media Marketing
Social media marketing is an effective way to reach your audience. It’s quick, easy, and free. The most common social media platforms are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Here are four types of social media marketing:
Photo ads
Photo ads on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest have become an increasingly popular way to advertise products. Creating a photo ad is easy because you simply upload an image from your computer or phone. You can choose from various templates for your photo ad, and you can add text to your picture if you want. Your photo ad should include a call-to-action (CTA) button that directs people to an offer or landing page where they can purchase your product directly from your website.
Video ads
Video ads are also becoming popular on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. The video may be short or long, depending on what your brand wants to convey to its audience. Video ads can be produced by companies or individuals, depending on how much money they want to spend on their campaigns. You can also create animated GIFs (Graphics Interchange Format) that show up as previews in feeds when someone clicks on them.
Stories ads
Instagram Stories ads are similar to Facebook Stories ads but are only available on Instagram. They’re also a recent addition to the platform, so they’re not as widely used yet. Like on Facebook, businesses can target users based on their interests and demographics and set a budget for their campaigns.
Messenger ads
Facebook’s Messenger app lets brands use their profiles as ad spaces. You can send messages directly to people who follow your page or post them in groups or chats with people who’ve expressed interest in your brand or product category. Messenger ads also allow you to send coupons and other promotions directly through the app itself — making it easy for people to redeem offers while browsing Facebook on their phones or tablets instead of waiting until later when they get home or log onto their computers at work.
Creating successful campaigns is more than just posting regularly and engaging with people. You’ll also need to ensure that your content is relevant, timely, and resonates with the right audience before hitting “Publish.” Stay true to core brand values, and never lose sight of the end goal: generate sales! The tools and strategies above have proven to be effective repeatedly. Keep them in mind when developing your social media campaigns; you’re sure to see results.