How Do You Write A Creative Strategy In Advertising?
The creative strategy is integral to your marketing plan but doesn’t have to be complicated or lengthy. Here are six steps for writing a creative strategy:
Define Your Goals
Your goal is the reason why you’re advertising in the first place. If you own a business, you aim to make money from it. If you’re an investor, your goal is to profit from your investments. And if you work for an organization, then your goal is to increase awareness of its brand and build loyalty among its customers. Whatever your goal may be, ensure it aligns with what the organization or brand needs, not what they need three months or two years from now.
Write A Creative Strategy Statement.
Your creative strategy statement should represent a clear vision of what type of ad creative will best reach your target audience and meet your business goals. It should also include details about the content you want to create and how many impressions are needed to achieve those goals.
Choose Your Success Metrics.
A critical step in creating a creative ad strategy is to choose which success metrics you want to track. These are the goals of your performance marketing campaign and what you’ll use to determine whether it was successful or not. You can track anything from leads, registrations, and sales to social media impressions and engagement.
Determine Your Message And Target Audience
Once you know what success metrics you want to track, the next step is determining who you want to see your ad and what message they should receive when they see it. You can do this by first deciding on a theme for your creative; this might be something like “save money on shoes” or “shop online,” then create multiple variations of that message based on different demographics and interests.
Set A Budget
A creative ad strategy needs a budget. A budget can be formed by calculating how much you will spend to get the desired traffic volume or leads. You should also consider how much money you would like to invest in ads and how many times you want to advertise your product or service.
Create A Timeline
You should also create a timeline for your campaign to know when each ad should be placed and how long it will take to complete the campaign. Consider the advertising mediums available at each stage of the campaign, such as TV or radio commercials, banner ads, etc.
Whether your next creative strategy will be for an eCommerce brand or a B2B company, the process remains the same: you need to figure out what message and tone to go with, and then you have to convince your client why’s the right one. From there, you’ll be able to execute a more informed pitch and be more likely to succeed.