5 Ways to Be a Positive Influence on Facebook

Facebook can be a great way to connect with friends and family, but it’s also where people can gripe about their day or complain about politics.

You don’t have to join in the negative conversations on Facebook—be a positive influence on your friend list instead! Here are five ways you can do this.

Add positive comments and status updates.

  • Be positive and polite.
  • Don’t be negative about others.
  • Don’t post about controversial topics.
  • Don’t post about controversial news stories.
  • Don’t post about controversial political, religious, or other topics.

Give a “like” to comments and posts that you like.

A “like” is just a way to show your appreciation for someone’s post. You can also give them a “thumbs up” or write a positive comment. If you think something is inappropriate (sexually explicit language, etc.), report it instead of giving it a negative reaction.

Join groups that focus on your interests rather than political, religious, or other controversial topics.

  • Join groups that focus on your interests rather than political, religious, or other controversial topics.
  • If you’re a dog lover, join some groups with like-minded individuals who love their pets as much as you do.
  • If you like cooking and baking, join foodie groups and start cooking with others in real-time using Facebook Live.
  • If you want to get involved in the community by volunteering or donating your time and money to local causes, search for community service organizations in your area through Facebook’s philanthropy section and follow them on social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Post helpful tips that are relevant to the group.

Post helpful tips that are relevant to the group.

You can post links to helpful articles, videos, and other content. You can share your own experiences, as well. Post photos, videos, and other content that you know will be interesting for people in your group. Be sure to ask for help when you need it! Finally, don’t forget about your interests!

Be kind in your posts and comments, avoiding being negative about others.

It’s important to be kind in your posts and comments, avoiding being negative about others. This includes avoiding the following:

  • Profanity
  • Being rude or disrespectful
  • Making fun of other people’s posts
  • Posting about controversial topics (politics, religion)
  • Posting about your problems

It’s not hard to be a positive influence on Facebook.

It’s not hard to be a positive influence on Facebook. There are several ways to keep your social media presence upbeat rather than negative or controversial.

  • Be positive. If you think of yourself as the kind of person who always sees the glass half-full, this should be easy! Try not to focus on what’s wrong with the world around us or what other people are doing wrong in their lives. Instead, look for things that make you happy and celebrate them!
  • Avoid negative comments about others’ posts. While it can be tempting to comment, “If only I had thought of that!” or “That was genius!” when someone makes an especially creative post, a better idea is simply sharing their post or commenting something simple like “Great job!” Similarly, if someone posts something controversial or offensive (which they may not realize), avoid getting into a debate over it; instead, give them feedback privately by messaging them directly with constructive criticism instead of putting it out there publicly where anyone could see it and get upset by your words (and potentially retaliate).


The key to being a positive influence on Facebook is to focus on positivity rather than negativity. Focusing on the positive helps you feel better about yourself and those around you and helps others feel good about themselves. Remember that most people are there trying to connect with others and enjoy social interaction just like everyone else. So take a deep breath before posting that angry rant or sad status update.

Social Media Marketing by Glen Huff

Hi, I'm Glen Huff!

Blogger, marketer, and coffee addict. I constantly have my head involved with the inner workings of the internet. I have a love-hate relationship with Social Media, SEO, PHP, and algorithms. With the industry constantly changing, it's hard to know what works.

This blog aims to take my 13 years of marketing experience and give you a clear path to success. My passion is helping business owners thrive online. I hope this blog becomes a valuable resource to you. May your funnels and social media campaigns shower you with leads.

It can be a difficult task to plan social media posts. What should you share with your followers? What will you post today, tomorrow, or the next?

I recently updated my article on this topic. It’s called: 121 Social Media Post Ideas – Never Get Writer’s Block Again! 

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